Trading Calculators

Trading Calculators

We provide you with Equinox Markets Trading Calculators to get the pip value, position size and many more.

All-in-One Calculator

With Our all-in-one calculator you can calculate the require margin, pip value and swaps.

Pip Value Calculator

Enables you to determine the value per pip in your base currency so that you can monitor your risk per trade accurately.

Currency Calculator

Enables you to determine the value per pip in your base currency so that you can monitor your risk per trade accurately.

Margin Calculator

Our margin calculator helps you calculate the margin needed to open and hold positions.

Swaps Calculator

By using our swap calculator you can calculate the interest rate differential between the two currencies of the currency pair on your open positions.

Profit and Loss Calculator

Our profit and loss calculator helps you evaluate the projected profit or loss from any transanction you intend to make in the forex market.